One of the challenges of building real boats nowadays is the difficulty of finding suitable hardware needed to rig and sail the boat, and to attach it to its mooring or dock when not in use. We are very fortunate in having J.M. Reineck & Son as a resource – they provided most of the hardware for Patience, but we also have the capability to create our own fittings from design to finished product as the situation requires.
Patience's mast hardware, mast boot collar and stemhead fitting were all fabricated in the shop. Curlew, a reproduction of N.G. Herreshoff's Alerion, has hardware from our patterns – she can be seen in WoodenBoat issue #138 (September/October 1997), or sailing from her home port of Westport, Massachusetts. The tangs and fittings shown were made for Little M, a replica of Aida which was built by French, Webb & Co. of Belfast, Maine. In addition, we have undertaken several custom hardware jobs for MP&G, LLC, the premier Herreshoff restoration specialists in the world..